Extending riskmetric
R Validation Hub
is designed to be readily extensible. This is
done through use of the S3 method dispatch system and a conscious
acknowledgement of the varying needs that someone may have when
assessing package risk. With this in mind, every user-facing function is
designed first and foremost to be flexible.
Here we’ll walk through a trivial example where we’ll extend
to add a new assessment, scoring and risk
summary function to determine the risk associated with a package given
its name starts with the letter “r”.
Package Classes
Before we can assess a package we first need to represent a package
as data. We refer to this collection of package metadata as a “package
reference” - a way of referring to the related information we’ve been
able to pull together about a package. This is represented as a
class object. As dimensions of risk are assessed,
the data needed to evaluate it in those terms is cached within this
object, building up a small store of information about the package which
other assessments can refer to or build off of.
Importantly, not all references to packages are equal. We can collect information given the source code, a locally installed package or by scraping data about a package from the web. There’s a hierarchy of subclasses that encapsulate these disparate use cases.
├─ pkg_source
├─ pkg_install
└─ pkg_remote
├─ pkg_cran_remote
└─ pkg_bioc_remote
These subclasses direct the behavior of all downstream operations and
provides flexibility about how to bucket the implementations of how
similar data can be collected from a number of potential sources. For
example, to determine the author of a package it would be easiest to
look at a package’s DESCRIPTION
file where this content is
maintained. However, without access to the source or installed files,
one could find the same information on the CRAN package webpage. Using
these subclasses, the appropriate method of collecting this data can be
Adding an Assessment
Assessments are the atomic unit of the riskmetric
package, and are used to kick off an individual metric evaluation. Each
assessment is a generic function starting with an assess_
prefix, which can dispatch based on the subclass of the
Assessment Example
As an example, take a look at how assess_has_news
been implemented. We’ll focus on just the generic and the
#> assess_has_news <- function (x, ...)
#> {
#> UseMethod("assess_has_news")
#> }
#> attr(,"column_name")
#> [1] "has_news"
#> attr(,"label")
#> [1] "number of discovered NEWS files"
#> assess_has_news.pkg_install <- NULL
There are a couple things to note. First, the S3 system is used to dispatch functionality for the appropriate package reference class. Since the way we’d assess the inclusion of a NEWS file might be different for an installed package or remotely sourced metadata, we may have separate functions to process these datatypes in distinct ways.
Second, for each assessment, a pkg_metric
object is
returned. This stores the atomic data pertaining to the metric and
importantly adopts a unique subclass for the assessment function.
Finally, a cosmetic "column_name"
attribute is tagged to
the function. This is used when calling the assess
function. The assess
verb is a convenience function which
steps through all available assessments returning a tibble
of assessment outputs. The "column_name"
provides a more
user-friendly label for the assessment in this tibble
Writing a New Assessment
Now we’ll write our assessment. Eventually we want to consider a
package high risk if the name does not start with “r”. We’ll need to
make a pkg_metric
object containing the first letter of the
assess_name_first_letter <- function(x, ...) {
attr(assess_name_first_letter, "column_name") <- "name_first_letter"
assess_name_first_letter.pkg_ref <- function(x, ...) {
pkg_metric(substr(x$name, 0, 1), class = "pkg_metric_name_first_letter")
Adding pkg_ref
Perhaps we want to reuse metadata used when assessing the first letter so that it can be reused by other assessments. For particularly taxing metadata, such as metadata that requires a query against a public API, scraping a web page or a large data download, it’s important to store it for other assessment functions to reuse.
To handle this, we define a function for pkg_ref_cache
to dispatch to.
Example Metadata Caching
This is how the riskmetric
package handles parsing the
DESCRIPTION file so that it can feed into all downstream assessments
without having to re-parse the file each time or copy the code to do
#> pkg_ref_cache.description <- function (x, name, ...)
#> {
#> UseMethod("pkg_ref_cache.description")
#> }
#> pkg_ref_cache.description.pkg_install <- function (x, name, ...)
#> {
#> read.dcf(file.path(x$path, "DESCRIPTION"))
#> }
Once these are defined, they’ll be automatically called when the
field is first accessed by the pkg_ref
object, and then
stored for any downstream uses.
package <- pkg_ref("riskmetric")
#> <pkg_install, pkg_ref> riskmetric v0.2.5
#> $path
#> [1] "/home/user/username/R/4.4/Resources/library/riskmetric"
#> $source
#> [1] "pkg_install"
#> $version
#> [1] '0.2.5'
#> $name
#> [1] "riskmetric"
#> $bug_reports...
#> $bug_reports_host...
#> $bug_reports_url...
#> $description...
#> $downloads...
#> $examples...
#> $help...
#> $help_aliases...
#> $license...
#> $maintainer...
#> $news...
#> $r_cmd_check...
#> $release_date...
#> $remote_checks...
#> $source_control_url...
#> $vignettes...
#> $website_urls...
Notice that upon initialization, the description
indicates that it hasn’t yet been evaluated with a trailing
in the name. When accessed, the object will call a
caching function to go out and grab the package metadata and return the
newly derived value.
Because the pkg_ref
object stores an environment,
caching this value once makes them available for any future attempts to
access the field. This is helpful because we, as developers of the
package, don’t need to think critically about the order that assessments
are performed, and allows users to redefine the order of assessments
without worry about how metadata is acquired.
Writing a Metadata Cache
Now, for our new metric, we want to cache the package name’s first
letter. We need to add a new pkg_ref_cache
function for our
field. Thankfully, any subclass of pkg_ref
can access the
first letter the same way, so we just need the one function.
pkg_ref_cache.name_first_letter <- function(x, name, ...) {
substr(x$name, 0, 1)
After adding this caching function, we need to make a small
modification to assess_name_first_letter.pkg_ref
in order
use our newly cached value.
assess_name_first_letter.pkg_ref <- function(x, ...) {
pkg_metric(x$name_first_letter, class = "pkg_metric_name_first_letter")
Let’s try it out!
#> [1] "riskmetric"
#> [1] "r"
Defining an Assessment Scoring Function
Next, we need a function for scoring our assessment output. In this
case, our output is a pkg_metric
object whose data is the
first letter of the package name.
We’ll add a dispatched function for the score
As a convention, these functions return a numeric value representing how
well the package conforms to best practices with values between 0 (poor
practice) and 1 (best practice).
metric_score.pkg_metric_name_first_letter <- function(x, ...) {
as.numeric(x == "r")
Adding our Assessment to the pkg_assess()
The assess
function accepts a list of functions to
apply. riskmetric
provides a shorthand,
, to collect all the included assessment
functions, and you’re free to add to that list to customize your own
assessment toolkit.
assessments <- pkg_ref(c("riskmetric", "utils", "tools")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
pkg_assess(c(all_assessments(), assess_name_first_letter))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 23
#> package version pkg_ref covr_coverage has_news remote_checks
#> <chr> <chr> <lst_f_p_> <lst_f_p_> <lst_f_p_> <lst_f_p_>
#> 1 riskmetric 0.2.5 riskmetric<install> NA 1 NA
#> 2 utils 4.4.3 utils<install> NA 0 NA
#> 3 tools 4.4.3 tools<install> NA 0 NA
#> # ℹ 17 more variables: news_current <lst_f_p_>, r_cmd_check <lst_f_p_>,
#> # exported_namespace <lst_f_p_>, has_vignettes <lst_f_p_>,
#> # export_help <lst_f_p_>, has_website <lst_f_p_>, has_maintainer <lst_f_p_>,
#> # bugs_status <lst_f_p_>, size_codebase <lst_f_p_>,
#> # has_source_control <lst_f_p_>, has_bug_reports_url <lst_f_p_>,
#> # downloads_1yr <lst_f_p_>, reverse_dependencies <lst_f_p_>,
#> # has_examples <lst_f_p_>, dependencies <lst_f_p_>, license <lst_f_p_>, …
Our scoring function will automatically get picked up and used by the score method.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 24
#> package version pkg_ref pkg_score covr_coverage has_news
#> <chr> <chr> <lst_f_p_> <dbl> <pkg_scor> <pkg_scor>
#> 1 riskmetric 0.2.5 riskmetric<install> 0.546 NA 1
#> 2 utils 4.4.3 utils<install> 0.703 NA 0
#> 3 tools 4.4.3 tools<install> 0.747 NA 0
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: remote_checks <pkg_scor>, news_current <pkg_scor>,
#> # r_cmd_check <pkg_scor>, exported_namespace <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_vignettes <pkg_scor>, export_help <pkg_scor>, has_website <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_maintainer <pkg_scor>, bugs_status <pkg_scor>,
#> # size_codebase <pkg_scor>, has_source_control <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_bug_reports_url <pkg_scor>, downloads_1yr <pkg_scor>,
#> # reverse_dependencies <pkg_scor>, has_examples <pkg_scor>, …
and we can define our own summarizing weights by passing a named list
to pkg_score
pkg_score(assessments, weights = c(has_website = 1, name_first_letter = 1))
#> # A tibble: 3 × 24
#> package version pkg_ref pkg_score covr_coverage has_news
#> <chr> <chr> <lst_f_p_> <dbl> <pkg_scor> <pkg_scor>
#> 1 riskmetric 0.2.5 riskmetric<install> 0 NA 1
#> 2 utils 4.4.3 utils<install> 1 NA 0
#> 3 tools 4.4.3 tools<install> 1 NA 0
#> # ℹ 18 more variables: remote_checks <pkg_scor>, news_current <pkg_scor>,
#> # r_cmd_check <pkg_scor>, exported_namespace <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_vignettes <pkg_scor>, export_help <pkg_scor>, has_website <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_maintainer <pkg_scor>, bugs_status <pkg_scor>,
#> # size_codebase <pkg_scor>, has_source_control <pkg_scor>,
#> # has_bug_reports_url <pkg_scor>, downloads_1yr <pkg_scor>,
#> # reverse_dependencies <pkg_scor>, has_examples <pkg_scor>, …
Of course you can do any downstream processing of the resulting
if you’d like to further fine-tune your
summarization using a nonlinear function.
How you can help…
The riskmetric
package was designed to be easily
extensible. You can develop dispatched functions in your development
environment, hone them into well formed assessments and contribute them
back to the core riskmetric
package once you’re done.
If you’d like feedback before embarking on developing a new metric, please feel free to file an issue on the riskmetric GitHub.